Apart from capital and business actors, companies also need a number of administrative requirements in the form of important documents or permits in order to be registered as a legal business entity. In accordance with the applicable regulations in Indonesia, here are a list of the main documents that a business actor must have as a requirement for company legality.
• Deed of Incorporation
Prepared and endorsed by a notary public, the company establishment deed is the main document that is the initial step in the establishment of a business entity or company. This document contains a number of important information belonging to the company, including the name of the company, the place of domicile of the business entity, the composition of the business management, the type of business that is carried out, to the initial capital used to establish the company. The rights and obligations of all business actors and investors are also stated in the company establishment deed.
• Tax ID number

Taxpayer Identification Number is one of the important requirements for a business entity that wants to complete legal tax administration documents. After having an NPWP, your company will be legally registered in the taxation system in Indonesia, so that you can carry out your tax rights and obligations in full.
• Business license
This document must be owned by a company engaged in the trade and service sector. The SIUP is issued by the local government as a license mark for entrepreneurs to conduct their business.
Based on the capital owned by the company, SIUP is divided into four categories, namely Micro SIUP for companies with capital below 50 million, Small SIUP for capital deposits of 50-500 million, Medium SIUP for capital 500 million-10 billion, and Large SIUP for companies with capital in Indonesia. over 10 billion.
• Business Place Permit
Business Location Permits must be owned by individual business owners or business entities or companies established in groups. Its function is to prove the legality of a business place that is in line with local spatial planning regulations.
In addition, companies that already have it will also find it easier to manage investment for the smooth running of the business. This permit document is valid for 3 years and must always be renewed after the validity period has expired.
• Industrial Business License

Another company legality document that is no less important is the Industrial Business License. Entrepreneurs or companies that have capital in the range of 5 to 200 million rupiah are required to have it as a form of compliance with the business legality file.
For micro, small and medium enterprises, applications for manufacturing can be submitted to the District or City Level II Regional Integrated Licensing Service Office. Meanwhile, large-scale companies must take care of their permits directly at the Integrated Licensing Service Office Level I located in the provincial unit.
• Company Domicile Certificate. Completion of company legality records also requires Company Domicile
Certificate. This document is used as a certificate of the residence of the business entity being run. Completeness can be taken care of and submitted after the company has obtained the deed of establishment.
Like a business place permit, it has a certain validity period. Companies that are domiciled in a shared office building usually have to renew every 5 years, while the extension period for a virtual office is once a year.
• Certificate of Company Registration

As the name suggests, the Company Registration Certificate is a document that is proof that your company has been registered. However, please note that this document is only required for legal entities such as PT, CV, or Firms. Other companies that are not included in the category of legal entities are not required to own.
To obtain a Company Registration Certificate, the company must submit an application and receive legalization of the company certificate from the Ministry of Law Those are a number of important documents that need to be completed to support company legality. A number of these documents can be used as the main reference for business actors and company owners who wish to legally register their business entities.