A lawyer is a person whose profession is to provide legal services, both inside and outside the Court who meets the requirements based on the provisions of the Advocate Law.
The definition of lawyer services is services provided by lawyers in the form of providing legal advice, legal assistance, exercising power, representing, accompanying, defending, taking other legal actions for the benefit of clients. Lawyer services must be carried out in accordance with the Advocate Code of Ethics.

Lawyers’ services are different from other legal services, such as Notary Services and Intellectual Property Rights Consultants in that determining prices already have a standard or measure that can be used for prices in accordance with the Law. Meanwhile, the standard Lawyer Fee that a lawyer gets from his client is not regulated in the Advocate Law. The Advocate Law only regulates the following:
• Fees for attorney services must be based on an agreement with the client;
• The amount of Lawyer Fee is determined on a reasonable basis by taking into account the client’s time, ability and interests;
• The amount of fee for lawyer services (Lawyer Fee) must be adjusted to the ability of the client and is not justified to burden the client with unnecessary costs.
Lawyer Services as a business entity, based on our experience in carrying out Legal Services, especially in the field of Lawyer Services in general Law firm or law firm makes costs into several parts that are set forth in a contract or agreement, including:
• Consultant Fee is the cost of examining case files (legal audit,) making legal opinions (legal opinions), and consulting services;
• Lawyer Fee is a fee for professional services in handling cases in order to provide legal services;
• Operational Fee is the operational cost that is used to exercise legal counsel for the benefit of clients;
• Success Fee is a reward for professional services or success in exercising the Power obtained after a case is declared successful and finished;
• Retainer Fee is an advance payment given to a lawyer as an agreement that a client / company has appointed him as a lawyer by means of a contract and payments are made monthly according to the agreement;